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Latest Infographics

Liquid Chromatography Troubleshooting content piece image

Liquid Chromatography Troubleshooting

Liquid chromatography is an incredibly valuable tool when things are going well, however, like most experimental techniques, it is not always plain sailing. Download this infographic to learn about potential sources of LC analysis problems, clues that can be gained from your chromatogram and possible solutions to rectify the issues.
Future-Proof Your Host Cell Protein Strategy content piece image

Future-Proof Your Host Cell Protein Strategy

Host cell protein (HCP) are process-related protein impurities that are produced by the host organism during biotherapeutic manufacturing and production.
Host Cell Protein Analysis content piece image

Host Cell Protein Analysis

Download this infographic to learn more about why host cell proteins are problematic, methods to identify, characterize and remove host cell proteins and future perspectives in this field.
Accelerating Diagnostic Test Development content piece image

Accelerating Diagnostic Test Development

An infographic that describes the trends in diagnostic development, important factors to consider when choosing diagnostic component suppliers and how diagnostic services can help accelerate diagnostic assay development.
Targeted Protein Degradation: A Promising Therapeutic Strategy for the Most Challenging Protein Targets content piece image

Targeted Protein Degradation

An infographic that describes the inhibition and degradation approaches in drug development, advantages and challenges related to each approach and the key points you need to consider when designing your protein degraders.
Engineering Antibodies content piece image

Engineering Antibodies

In this infographic, we explore the evolution of antibody engineering and focus on some novel strategies designed to optimize the process.
Biopharmaceutical Analysis content piece image

Biopharmaceutical Analysis

A whole host of tools can be adopted at different stages of the biopharmaceutical development pipeline for varying types of analyses. Download this infographic to learn more.
History of Women in Science content piece image

History of Women in Science

Download this infographic to see a list of female scientists that have made a significant impact throughout history.
Women in Science: Ancient History to the 21st Century content piece image

Women in Science: Ancient History to the 21st Century

Download this infographic to see a timeline of women who have impacted science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM) fields over time.
Fragment-Based Drug Discovery content piece image

Fragment-Based Drug Discovery

In this infographic, we review the history of fragment-based drug discovery, discuss the underlying concepts and examine the process in more detail.